The Well-Resourced Schools information is now available with key information on school consolidation, timelines, a racial equity analysis, and FAQs. Visit the Well-Resourced Schools webpages
The World Family Center welcomes and provides support to our multilingual families and students in the Seattle Public Schools.
El Centro para las Familias del Mundo da la bienvenida a nuestras familias y estudiantes multilingües a las Escuelas Públicas de Seattle. Es nuestro trabajo proporcionar apoyo y orientación de los servicios y opciones disponibles para los estudiantes y las familias dentro del sistema escolar y en la comunidad.
Education * Educación
B.A. Communications & Politics, UNAM - Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
B.A. Tourism Businesses Management in - UVM Tlalpan - Universidad del Valle de México, Tlalpan
Licenciatura en Comunicaciones y Ciencias Políticas, UNAM - Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Licenciatura en Administración de Empresas Turísticas, UVM Tlalpan - Universidad del Valle de México, Campus Tlalpan
Languages other than English * Idiomas
Spanish * Español
I want to thank you for giving me the opportunity to teach your children. I’ve taught PE and health for 15 years at SWS. The World cultures and experiences that each students brings to this school is tremendous and amazing. There is no other school like it in the city. Or even the state of Washington for that matter. My goal is to get students interested in physical and lifetime fitness. I want to give them the tools to understand how to take care of themselves physically and emotionally. My hope is that I can create a fun learning environment and the students will carry the love of fitness and exercising into their adulthood ages.
M.ED - Washington State University – Administrative Credential; BA Eastern Washington University – Emphasis is Physical Education and Health.
It is great to be part of such a multicultural and dynamic community at
Seattle World School! I learn from my students and colleagues everyday.
I like to help my students think like historians and share their voices
and experiences. I partner with Seattle institutions such as Jack
Straw Productions and MOHAI to make our
learning more experiential and hands-on. Please let me know if you have
ideas for future class projects!
M.A. Education, University of California Santa Cruz (Focus on Bilingual,
Cross-cultural Academic and Language Development); B.A. Art History and
Environmental Studies, Williams College
Languages other than English:
Spanish, Beginning Mandarin Chinese
I teach Beginning English literacy and Language Arts. I have been working at Seattle World School since 2012. I love working with students at this school!